Due to the sheer size of trucks, a pedestrian who is hit by a truck is likely to sustain very severe injuries. A truck accident involving a pedestrian may even cause wrongful death. Unfortunately, being hit by a truck while walking is a fairly common occurrence here in New England. As a pedestrian, you can… Read More
Toxic Chemical Exposure in the Workplace
Does your job expose you to potentially dangerous chemicals? You’re not alone. OSHA estimates that 32 million Americans work with or are exposed to toxic chemicals. What’s more, many workers are unaware of potentially hazardous chemicals in their workplace. Common Workplace Chemicals Some workers may not realize they work with dangerous chemicals. These are some… Read More
How Long Should You Be Sore After A Car Accident?
Following a car accident, you may discover swelling, stiffness, and soreness in your back, neck, or other parts of your body. Mild soreness might go away after just a few hours. More severe injuries, however, may leave you in pain for several months. If the pain seems like it will never end, you might be… Read More
Car Insurance Requirements in Massachusetts
State law requires all Massachusetts drivers to purchase car insurance and carry proof in their cars at all times. The penalties for disobeying this law can be severe. Drivers licenses and vehicle registrations may be suspended. Drivers may also be issued fines of up to $5,000, sentenced to a year in jail, or both. In… Read More
Massachusetts Teen Driving Laws
The receipt of a driver’s license provides great freedom, but it also warrants great responsibility. Careless driving can result in serious injury or even death. Teens are at a greater risk of getting into a car accident than drivers of any other age. In fact, car accidents are the leading cause of death among US teenagers according to… Read More
What is the Average Car Accident Settlement in Massachusetts?
Most Massachusetts residents will only experience fender benders in our lifetimes. But for those who are involved in serious car accidents, the effects can be devastating. Between debilitating physical injuries, astronomical medical and repair bills, and the psychological trauma of being in a crash, the negative effects of a serious accident can be significant and long-lasting…. Read More
Can You Prove Fibromyalgia was Caused by a Car Accident?
Affecting an estimated 10 million Americans, fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic pain syndromes. It occurs most commonly in women, but can affect men and children as well. The condition inflicts a spectrum of debilitating symptoms, including chronic body pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and issues with memory and mood. What is Fibromyalgia? The medical community… Read More
Massachusetts Car Seat Laws and FAQ
Think it’s OK to skip buckling up your child on a short trip around town? Think again. A child is involved in a car crash every 33 seconds—that’s 2,600 kids every day—and over 40% of child passengers who are killed in fatal crashes were not restrained. Strapping your child in before you get behind the wheel significantly… Read More
Protect Your Hearing: How to Avoid Ear Injuries
By the CDC’s numbers, over 52 million U.S. workers each year are exposed to hazardous chemicals and unsafe noise levels that could jeopardize their hearing. Hearing loss and ear injuries are two of the greatest threats to the health of the American worker. If you are the victim of ear injuries, experienced personal injury lawyer Peter Ventura… Read More
September 22 is Fall Prevention Awareness Day
On September 22nd, the National Council on Aging will observe Fall Prevention Awareness Day as a means of raising awareness around how to prevent slip and fall injuries among older adults. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in four Americans over the age of 65 will fall each year, and falls are the leading… Read More