What to know about Medical Treatment after an Auto Accident
Medical treatment after a car accident is one of the most critical parts of any personal injury case. It is important that you understand that without documentation of injuries, it can be very difficult to get an insurance company to pay out the proper amount in claims. The more that you understand the process, the more likely you will be to follow the appropriate steps to protect your claim.
Do Not Wait on Symptoms
The body is complex and different injuries can impact the body in different ways. For that reason, it is necessary for people to obtain medical treatment as soon as possible after a car crash. Even if you feel fine, your body could be in shock or consumed with adrenaline. Your injuries may seem minor or nonexistent at first, but a trained medical professional will be able to pinpoint potential issues you may not see. Not only will this help your insurance claim, but it could save your life and protect you from unknowingly damaging your body.
If Symptoms Occur Later
Sometimes, even with proper medical treatment, symptoms can occur hours or sometimes days after an injury. As soon as you feel pain or notice any abnormal change in your body, you should seek medical attention. Do not wait. Remember, documentation is everything. The more prompt you are about diagnosing your problems, the stronger your personal injury case will be. Especially if symptoms occur later, you will need medical proof that the symptoms are dated close to the time of the car accident.
Of course, it may take a few days to get into a doctor’s office due to scheduling. However, in the meantime, you can still be proactive about documenting your own injuries. For example, you should take photos of any bleeding or bruising. If you can indicate on the photos the date the picture was taken, that is even better. If there is pain, numbness, or other symptoms that are not visible, make a detailed written document of those symptoms. Remember to document any non-medical expenses you incur during this time. Do not forget to include ongoing medical expenses, as well.
Insurance Companies
Insurance companies are not in the business for handing out money unless they have to. They are able to operate because they keep insurance claims low. Understanding how insurance works will greatly assist in learning why medical treatment is necessary. Without proof, the insurance claim holds no water and the company does not have to fulfill your claim. Insurance companies pay close attention to detail such as:
- Date of the crash
- Medical treatment following the crash
- Documented injuries
- Correlations between injuries and time of crash
Need Help?
Have you been in a car accident and need help with your car accident case? Worcester accident attorney Peter Ventura is located in Worcester, MA and he has decades of experience working with injury cases, including those associated with car crashes. You may contact Attorney Ventura at 508-755-7535 and he can help you understand the legal process associated with insurance claims.
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